To start off this collection of bullshit is a product that not only started as a movie that had no reason to exist. Or had it? From this movie came one of the better memes in reasons memory also creating this masterpiece of bullshit.
"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity... Is... Doing the exact... Same fucking thing... Over and over again expecting... Shit to change... That. Is. Crazy.

Still EA the production company of this game is making tremendous amounts of money of just recycling the same gam every year. Why change anything if it works, right?
unskipable advertising giving empty promises full of lies and expensive training programs. Using classical advertising nonsense adding nothing.
Our Roomba may be vacuuming up more than you think.

High-end models of Roomba, iRobot’s robotic vacuum, collect data as they clean, identifying the locations of your walls and furniture. This helps them avoid crashing into your couch, but it also creates a map of your home that iRobot could share with Amazon, Apple or Google.
A game so bad that ATARI burried all the copies in the dessert...
Never cleaning your trashcan beacause you may need shit later
Taking notes of lessons you will never coma back to
An AI so advanced that it can generate bullshit text almost not noticable to human written text. The designers of this AI have not released this bot to the masses because of the problems it can and probably will cause.
But this shows how close we are to not knowing anymore what is bot made or human.
Mobile games are the pinnacle of bullshit data, not because they cn't be fun. But the time put in to them is wasted. These are product with the soul purpose of making money of you one way or another.
For the usual person this is useless. But for an AI this is an goldmine. The data of the human DNA. So big that it will cost an printer 80 years to print everything out. For a human these are just random numbers but for a computer this is the blueprint for a human.
Reality television the pinacle of wasted time. This is were it started for a lot of people. The easy to understand drama and simpel one episode plot moments make this a masterpiece in getting you hooked. Past it's prime, reality TV is still life and kicking.
From the perspective of an smoker this does absolutely nothing. Totally neglected. Bullshit data. It is beating a dead horse by now.
Just the whole title of this article speaks bullshit. I mean what??
Also I did npo read the article, so this is just my reaction on this banner.
The remains of an old soci`l media that took over the world for a little while.
So in the section visual arts a video about how an AK-107 rifle works was recommended. I am curious how to youtube algoritm came up to this conclusion.
Kids videos made by AI posted on youtube getting milions of views. Generating a lot of money. Youtube is filled woth this kind of content taking advantage of children.